Update #9

Friends and family,

Great news to report! Dad’s seventh surgery took place yesterday (Thursday) and Dr. Peck (one of our favorite doctors) told us that dad is doing extremely well despite the extent of his burns.

The plan going into surgery was to take a look at all of the cadaver grafts and, if he was healing well enough, replace them with dad’s own skin. This is called autografting. (If you recall, dad had all his grafts removed in his 3rd surgery because the tissue underneath wasn’t doing well.) Things looked great, so the doctors removed all available skin on dad’s back and grafted it to his chest, abdomen, arms, front of his thighs and part of his hands. They were able to cover such a large area by using a mesh technique that allows the skin to cover 3 times the original area.

Capillaries should begin growing into the autografts within the next five days and then the holes will fill in. There is risk that some of the skin may not take, but this can be replaced in subsequent autografts. His back will heal in two weeks, to allow additional autografting to the rest of his hands and legs.

His face his doing well. The grafts on his eyelids are healthy. It is unknown how long his eyes will remain sutured shut. The doctors replaced the grafts on his cheeks, chin and forehead with more xenografts (pig skin). They still hope these areas will heal on their own with minimal grafting.

A hand surgeon placed temporary metal pins in his left fingers. This is common for burn amputations. The hands and fingers do need to heal a more before they are able to receive complete grafts. We hope this can be done in the next couple weeks.

We don’t know when dad’s next surgery will be or when he will be less sedated and out of the coma. (The doctors indicated they might give him a week off since he has had one or two surgeries per week since the accident!) Since last Saturday, he has done really well breathing on his own. The day prior to his surgery he spent the entire day off the ventilator. He is placed back on the ventilator at night to allow him to rest.

We hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend… don’t forget to tell your family how much you love them!

Colin and Ian

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6 Responses to Update #9

  1. Cristal says:

    Sooo happy for good news! Keeping things positive …. Thinking of all of you from here in VA!!!!!

    Love you guys!

  2. Rick Gunder says:

    So GOOD to hear positive updates!!!! A day without the ventilator is HUGH and shows he is healing. Although this road will be a long one we all hope his journey will get easier as time goes by. We will continue to pray for all of you and rest assured you are all in our thoughts each and everyday. Sounds like he has some VERY talented folks taking care of him.

  3. Heather and Rick Hinson says:

    That’s encouraging to hear how well he is doing! Thank God for some very talented surgeons, too. We will continue to pray for his complete healing!

    love to all,
    Heather and Rick

  4. Linda Tatreau says:

    I think of all you so much and I hold you in my heart. I am amazed you can write with such optimism, but the news is good considering the damage. Thanks for taking the time to keep us all up-to-date. With love, Linda

  5. Olga says:

    Always in my prayers and always in my thoughts. Bless you!

  6. Janet Kuznicki says:

    Colin II , Ian and Ann

    That is the best news I have heard in a long time. Praise the surgeons for the gift God has given them and Bless the hands that come in contact with Colin. I know he has a long road ahead of him, but you can not deny that God isn’t playing a important part in his recovery.

    God in your name I give you all the praise. Thank you so much for taking such great care of Colin. Thank you for blessing him with such fantastic sons, watch over them both and protect them. Hold them close to your heart like you have been doing.

    God hold Colin, Sr.close to your heart to comfort him and place your hands on his grafts so they may heal. Place your gentle kisses on his eyes for healing and head so he may rest. In your name I pray. Amen

    Colin, I will be here waiting.

    With all my love, plus some.

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