Update #15

Friends and family,

We are on our way home from visiting Dad for four days. We arrived in Phoenix early Thursday, so that we could stop by Prescott Thursday evening and attend the City Council meeting there. The Prescott Valley Police Department and mayor Harvey Skoog were presenting the Distinguished Life-Saving Award to four Prescott Valley residents that went above and beyond in assisting Dad at the scene of his accident. This was especially important for us, so that we could meet and thank those individuals ourselves, and so that we could speak with them about their experience.

Words cannot express our gratitude. The Prescott Valley residents that were given recognition were James Gentry, Jake Bassett, off-duty Central Yavapai Fire Department Captain Al Camacho and off-duty nurse Sherri Stanley, There were others on the scene, that were not local, to which we are also indebted. They are also in our thoughts and we are grateful that Dad had such wonderful people that were willing to help a stranger that was in need.

Dad’s condition remains fairly similar to that which we last reported. He remains on CRRT (kidney dialysis) and his heart rhythm does periodically become irregular. The doctors that we have spoken with are in consensus that both of these conditions should be temporary and are only a result of his legs not being fully closed. Once the remaining areas of his legs (which are significant) are grafted, his body should be able to settle in and focus on every day maintenance.

The doctors continue their efforts to keep Dad’s diaphragm strong. Saturday, Dad was removed from the ventilator for six hours. As it is, the ventilator is there just for assistance, somewhat like placing a hand on a friend’s back to help push them up a hill. The ventilator is there so that Dad’s body can focus on healing and any help is good help. The length of time that Dad remains off the vent should increase with time, as he is weened from the medically induced coma and his final grafts are performed.

His next planned surgery is Tuesday. At that time, the donor area from his back will be evaluated, and any donor skin that can be harvested will be taken and grafted to his legs (and hands, if needed). Cosmetics will also be present, so that they can take a look at the graft on Dad’s left eye and do what they need to at that time.

The highpoint of our trip was in seeing Dad’s first signs of being coherent. We had heard that Dad was smiling and mouthing words earlier in the week. But during our first visit with him Thursday, Dad only seemed to be sleeping as we had seen him before. Friday, though, was a completely different experience. Dad was fully aware that we were there visiting him. He smiled, he cried and he was attempting to speak with us. It was an amazing experience, and one that will be remembered for a long time.

Both Friday and Saturday, Dad would quickly go from being coherent to being in a completely sedated state. Sunday, we were able to coax a few smiles out of him before our departure, but for the most part, he seemed very tired. We give him lots of credit. We were tired after five minutes!

We were told by the doctors that Dad would remain in a coma until his two remaining (tentatively) surgeries were performed. But, as a result of him being medicated for such a long period of time, his body has simply become tolerant to the medication. And, as a result of that, he is in a higher state of awareness.

We continue to be optimistic and we are extremely grateful for the people in our Dad’s life, new friends and old. The nurses have been warned. Dad will have a lot of talking to do to make up for lost time.

Colin and Ian

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10 Responses to Update #15

  1. Ron & Nancy Nicholas says:


    Just a note to let you know a bunch of us got together on Thursday, June 30, and you were one of our “topics of conversation” and lots of people are still saying prayers for you!!! Present were: Harry & Marie Householder; Ron & Dannie Smith; Linda & Jimmie Hobbie; Kitty Campbell; Frankie Rust; Debbie & Henry Smallwood & Ron and I. We all had a really good time and we cannot wait for you to join us on one of these gatherings. Just wanted you to know you are still in our thoughts and prayers. Love and blessings to you from Virginia!!!

    Ron & Nancy

  2. carol and aaron Hettenbach says:

    No words can express out thoughts at this time.. We are so glad that there’s a place where we can go for updates. Again our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  3. Scott aka ZZedmonds from the VMC says:

    I am so glad to hear that Colin is making progress. Friends and family are as important as the medical care when it comes to him healing up. While the setbacks hurt, the milestones are hard not to celebrate with tears of joy. I wish Colin the benefit of Godspeed in his recovery. Everyone in the VMC is pulling for him. He is in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Janet Kuznicki says:

    After reading update #15 again and all that his sons have gone through I just wanted to say. As a friend of Colin I just wanted to thank all the people that came to his aid at the time of the accident. Without their response and quick thinking they saved Colin life. To them I am entirely grateful.and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. I thank God that People like them still exist and gives me hope with everything going on in the world. There is no words for me to express my gratitude towards all the people that helped. Again thank you so much.

    Love all of you

  5. olga says:

    So glad to hear your dad is doing better. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.



  6. Ron & Nancy Nicholas says:

    Colin and Ian,

    Thank you very much for the update. We are all still praying and amazed at your Dad’s recovery and we know God is putting his healing hands on him. We are keeping him lifted in prayer and we are sure God will keep him healing in His time. We are so glad you were there for the presentation of the awards. Thank God those people were there and that they received the recognition they deserved. God is taking such good care of Colin and He will bring him through. God is the Ultimate Healer and we believe He will work miracles in your Dad. Love, Ron and Nancy

  7. Rob Cole says:

    Tell him we are praying hard for him in Virginia. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

  8. Cristal Smith says:

    Oh my gosh – such an amazing trip for you all! Thanks to those that saved him and so excited you were able to talk with him! Crying as I type – those will be memories that you hold forever! I am so excited for all of you on the road to recovery and much like rebirth. As horrible as this accident has been it has shed new light on your love for him and his amazing group of friends and family that shower him with love, thoughts and prayers. You are all so amazing and so loved! I am so touched and moved by all you share with us and I hope that you and your dad know you are always in my thoughts and prayers…..

    love you all

  9. Heather and Rick Hinson says:

    So wonderful to hear Colin is responding! I know he is very grateful for the care he is receiving, and was very happy to know you were there. We look forward to hearing of the day he is allowed to awaken fully and carry on a conversation.

    We lost Rick’s dad last March, but when he was in the hospital, the nurses would have to back slowly out the door to be able to return to work because he wanted to talk about his three boys, of whom he was very proud. Talking wore him out but he didn’t care! I suspect the same will be for your dad and his nurses.

    love, Heather and Rick

  10. Janet Kuznicki says:

    Colin, II and Ian,

    Thank you so much for the update. It has been already two months since the accident. Your father has been in my prayers constantly and in my thoughts. I find myself praying for him every chance I get.. You are both great sons and he is a lucky man to have you both. Which I know he would agree with, along with all his friends.

    I still can’t wait to see your smile again. Again I pray to God to put his loving arms around Colin to comfort him and kiss his forehead so he may rest. May God place his hands over all of his skin grafts so they may heal and over heart so it will stay in sinus rhythm. God place fresh air in Colins lungs so he can fight off pneumonia. In your name we pray. Amen

    Colin, I’m here for you holding your hand like I did before, so you never feel alone.


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